Last edited on 2025-01-02

The class project is intended to offer a substantive opportunity to apply the principles and practices taught in the classroom portion of our course. There are a number of teaching objectives. Some involve sharpening intra- and inter-team communication skills, some involve grappling with design tradeoffs, some involve validation, and more. In the present document, we will refer to the assignment as the project. Depending on assignment specifics, we might express this as either a problem to be solved or as a product space to be filled (a more entrepreneurial spin.) Ideally we will have an outside customer and identified product champion for each project.

Whereas small practice tasks done early in the semester are based on 4-person teams, each project will generally be undertaken by teams of up to 8 students who should collaborate and solve the problem together. Commonly each team attacks a unique problem.

Tasking is the mapping of students to a team project. We may designate a student to serve as the lead for administrative purposes; this helps us avoid confusion in starting up the effort. We will turn to these students as the points of contact. However, all team members share an equal responsibility in the project success, and there is no suggestion that one must work for or at the direction of another.

Students will work out responsibilities from that starting point. If any plan creates an imbalance in how much work is demanded of one or another team member, then possibly the team needs a better plan. (Welcome to engineering! Figuring out how to create effective plans - not just accept a default plan on autopilot - is one of the things we do.) In the same way, effort not being equitably offered by team members is an issue best addressed earlier than later. We need everyone engaged and contributing productively. (Welcome to management! Waiting until the end and then sorrowfully observing how some team members didn't pull their own weight in a failed project will win our sympathy, but not a good grade.)

A great deal of our course content involves finding ways to operate effectively as a team. We offer assignments that scale to the size of the team, so tolerating under-performing partners is a great way to increase stress and under-perform on the class project. In any case, no project will be re-scoped to adapt to team engagement, so the incentive is to engage everyone rather than carry someone as overhead. Earlier is always better than later for improving engagement, and that includes asking the instructor for guidance.

It is up to the teams to not only divvy up subtasks but also handle timelines. Typically we select projects based on knowing at least one natural componentization of tasking or tools. Teams would be wise to weigh many design alternatives before committing to any one. Still, it is the team's call. Our goal is to solve a problem, not just write a program. This class is about figuring out a solution approach, timeline, responsibilities, tools and a host of other things needed for success. That in turn requires personal initiative. Anyone who intends to wait for someone else to say Here, just do this... should not take this class.


The suite of problems to be solved will be posted early in the semester. Teams will be formed and tasked as soon as we complete the scrimmage exercises which are conducted in the term's first two or three weeks. Each team should anticipate creating a charter and other planning documents to get moving quickly toward the major objectives.

1. Propose a solution and build it

The objective is to win approval to proceed on a specific solution path, which is to say, win a "green light to build." This is done by creating a proposal that persuades the instructor the team has a credible plan for how to proceed. A great deal of discussion appears in text further down on this page, but to call out important fine print: this proposal requires a pilot (technology demonstrator), an acceptance test plan that could only be passed by a system which meets our needs and an objective cost estimate of what it takes to get there.

Teams proceed according to their own timetables for completing a proposal, subject to the important reality that later parts of the assignment have hard deadlines for delivery. For example, the team must pass a critical design review by the hard CDR deadline, at which we will need to have seen sustained development effort. (An apocalyptic hackathon the night before CDR won't cut it.) As a practical matter, teams lacking a green light by end of March will have a tough time arguing an effort is sufficiently sustained, and so will begin to lose credit accordingly. After that I will define the goal for the team (at full loss of spec credit.)

Remember - a green light to build is predicated on seeing something function.

2. Pass a critical design review and test with customers

After the proposal is approved, teams just follow the plan. The next milepost is a critical design review (CDR) that teams must schedule to occur no later than the posted hard deadline. Teams should show a complete system that is ready to proceed to acceptance testing with their customers. Based on what is shown, we will either approve going forward with acceptance tests or call out specific remediation (and its timeline) necessary in order to advance. Teams which have a rocky CDR may need to hold another review before being approved for acceptance tests.

Once past the CDR, we begin our "good to great" sprint. Teams will conduct acceptance tests in collaboration with customers and product champion, measure results and will improve the product based on observations made so at final delivery we know we solved the problem, not just hope we we solved the problem. To be clear, this is not when we build out functionality that should have been completed a month earlier.

3. Deliver

The final system package with all relevant documentation (as called out in plans and below) is due at SOB on the last day of class. There will be a fair amount of follow up assessment instruments (surveys and reports) harvested that day, so we ask that students plan the day accordingly. (We're engineers. We measure a lot, including about teams.)

The package of delivery materials is extensive, so to put this on your radar now, we offer a guide in the class repository. Besides the report of acceptance testing and all the usual documentation of the product, we ask for a delivery report having specific structure as given in a template. We ask you to make the case that you have followed decent design standards and crafted a product that addresses realistic constraints involving public health and safety, plus global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors as appropriate. It is best if you start addressing these from the start rather than try to retrofit your product to meet these delivery goals.

That was the top level description of what this project is about. Now for a lot of tips, cautions and gory detail.

Regarding the proposal ...

This is actually the most challenging part of the class project - calling your shots. Historically, once they start working on it most teams take about three weeks to complete a credible submission. It is not a good moment to guess or make shallow decisions on what you intend to do. Perform your own research, interact with the customer to explore details of the space, discover the myriad of likely requirements, assess the risks of each of any possible design paths and more. The cost of do-overs may be higher than you can pay in the semester; use the course techniques to figure out best paths before you commit.

In many prior classes, someone else made the fundamental decisions about a program before students ever got involved. This was done when writing the assignment after which all students had to do is just write a program. In our case we need to figure out what is the right program to commission in the first place - one that not only solves the problem, but solves it in the face of hard and sometimes conflicting constraints. You only have so much time, you only have so much personnel, you only have so much experience, the target environment may only offer so much bandwidth or computational power, and so on. Which of possibly many solution paths will hit your mark?

Teams that merely echo back a problem statement by saying "yeah, we'll give you that" are doomed. Part of the instructor's mission is to ensure that each problem bakes thorny design tradeoffs into the interior, so pushing these off for discovery late in the semester is a great way to ensure you'll never have time to work out a real solution (much less pass the course.)

Let's be utterly clear: This is about finding ways to solve a problem, not just describing some program you intend to build. Software will certainly play a role in solving the problem, but the goal - and point of the class - is to learn how to commission the right software, build what you intended, recognize when you are getting closer to versus further from a solution, and then objectively demonstrate that the problem is actually solved. Writing the program? That's the easy part. Solve the right problem.

Important content you should plan from the start on providing: As already stated, your goal is to create a document which will allow the manager and client to agree to have you begin the build itself. There are a few things which will be necessary (even if not by themselves sufficient) for that approval.

Volume is not one of those "necessary" things in your proposal - precision is.

Lots of fine print:

As noted earlier, each team will need to have shown a lo-fi rendering, pilot code, initial tooling or similar. We will discuss in class how these are risk reduction activities, and we'll work out at project tasking time some specifics appropriate to each domain.

Once you get a green light to be, go build it.

Regarding the CDR ...

We will conduct a critical review of your product in order to confirm that it is a complete implementation and ready for an initial deployment so you can begin the product improvement phase, which is based on user testing as defined in the green light agreement. You will present your work and demonstrate the system, and we will review code in detail; we will discuss issues and reach agreement on any last details going into the final phase. We will be looking for evidence of sustained development; implementation efforts that are needlessly compressed (i.e. have little time between the green light and critical review) will not get full credit on the walk through rubric.

The period between your green light and the critical review is when you have greatest opportunity to demonstrate technical prowess. You can largely complete this at your own pace, subject to the hard deadline called out here. All walk throughs must be concluded by the CDR hard deadline. This is a hard deadline. If you have no green light worked out sufficiently in advance of this date to offer a sustained effort on a substantive project, then this becomes a zero on these exercises. What is "sustained"? We normally measure sustained in weeks. Six weeks would make for a busy but reasonable time for two sprints, so picking up with your implementation earlier is a sensible target. Four weeks build time is a bare minimum but we know some projects need to adjust based on needs of outside clients, so we are open to working out details in the green light document. Teams without an approved product definition will have deadlines defined for them as the semester moves on; this comes with a corresponding loss of credit.

Teams are responsible for scheduling the reviews with me. We'd like to get all team members to participate if we can, but I do not require this because the logistics can make us all nuts. There are too many students/projects for us to do justice to checkpoints in class. Send the Provost a note sometime if you have opinions about class sizes.

During the critical review we will go over the project, evaluate what you show, open up code or designs to have you explain it, and much more. We hope this will be worth your while. To be clear on our expectations and pedagogy: if this is the only real team meeting we have in the semester then ... what a shame! I hold meetings at least weekly with successful teams. Commonly we bring in friends from industry (who are also veterans of our prior 435 classes) to provide a critique as well, though to be clear, only the instructor is responsible for determining your grades.

Please don't wait to the last minute and then panic if available meeting sessions are already used up; to quote something you will often hear said in industry, your failure to plan does not make for our emergency. Figuring out how to schedule a meeting, and then be prepared for it, is one of the basic practices that are part of the project expectations.

Remember complete means complete. Going into the next phase thinking that users will help you figure out how to flesh out code paths you should have built before this point is a great way to fail this course. The purpose of a critical review is to confirm that your product is ready to begin initial deployment (some would call this an alpha release) in order to discover opportunities to improve the product - not complete the product.

In my view, the time after your critical review is when the real lessons start, so if you simply halt effort at point of having a "complete" program then you are certainly not going to win best value from 435. Only used code is interesting code, and you're never going to understand how to design if you don't study the effects of your design decisions as seen via your users' eyes. Plan on maximum effort during the product improvement phase and you will win best value from 435.

At the walk through you will provide a signed cover sheet - hardcopy with original signatures - which I will use as the basis to give grades. Like all obligations, changes to this sheet later (such as students saying "ohmigod, I need to add my name!") will be treated as defined in the syllabus, which is to say, it is a late submission and gets graded accordingly. Our best advice on this point: figure this out in advance of the walk through.

Regarding deployment and delivery ...

The last phase of the project is deployment, to include conduct of acceptance testing. We fully anticipate that the initial outside use of your system will offer opportunities to improve the system. Do so. At some point you will have iterated through enough exercises to feel confident that the system is ready for acceptance tests, which we will have worked out in the spec. Conduct those tests.

To hammer a prior point: If you think deployment is the point where you get a passing grade by tossing a hackathon-generated program over the wall without quality improvement efforts - serious quality improvement efforts - then please do not take this course.

Your product must be complete by the prior review, so during this final phase you will be responsible for improving and then confirming the quality. A major step within this phase is to conduct the acceptance tests which were worked out in our spec. Perhaps you will have called out great tests and then constructed a product to exactly meet them without need of adjustment. Cool! You will be the first in our business to ever do that. Run your tests and hand the report in. The rest of us will measure and find ways to win even greater value for our customers, and adjust the implementation accordingly.

Your final project deliverable will be a report about the project. This is the point of delivery, so you will convince us that you provided everything that was promised. This is the point where another obligation called out in the green light (the acceptance test report) will be delivered. How did the project do? You proposed the yardstick, and we will have agreed after some negotiation. Follow that plan and report on it. Tell us honestly how things turned out. We will be especially keen on seeing the details of what you needed to tweak, fix, extend or refactor based on alpha deployment following the critical review.

An important piece of this deliverable will be a document which closes the loop on our cost estimations. Tell us what the actual effort turned out to be to get to the walk through. (Keep tracking effort during the acceptance testing. The final exam might reasonably ask a question about effort you had to expend on repairs during the tests.) Support this very carefully, and explain differences between the predicted and actual values.

The final version of your advertisement for the project (what you propose should be the persistent description of your product and successes) should be on the web at one of your VMs as of the final submission as well. Have it ready to port to our main server; your VM may go away following the semester, but a static capture of your site materials should be in your repository suitable for installation on the SEAM server.

The hard deadline for receipt of all materials (as called out in the green light) in the repository will by 0700 on the last day of class. (Note, potentially we will have an in-class demo day in prior weeks so teams can check out what everyone else has been doing.) Delivery includes everything you developed, all the build commands and documentation, and the electronic version of reports and cover sheets. Insofar as you might have regularly maintained configuration control over your system on resources elsewhere, this is the point where you need to make sure we have your materials here. And please - do this sensibly. Committing a git structure that you shouldn't have been using anyway is not the right way to do things. Place the cover sheet for this deliverable by usual our conventions in the project repo folder as "coversheet-final.pdf" (or "coversheet-final.txt").

Please block out time on the afternoon of last day of our class. It is not only deliverable day and our last day of class, it is a serious assessment day. We will have many survey instruments to work through. (We're engineers, right? We measure stuff.) Make sure you will have time set aside to conduct these measurements with us.

Hard deadlines

5PM, March 14  Proposal "green light to build"
5PM, April 11Critical Design Review
7AM, May 13Final Delivery


Copyright © 2017-2025 James M. Purtilo